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A Guide to Water Safety

Water presents a significant hazard and one that many people overlook. The WHO states that drowning is the 3rd leading cause of unintentional jury death worldwide with an estimated 236,000 annual deaths. This accounts for almost 8% of the total global mortality. If your business or property sits by a bed of water, it is important to consider water safety in all activities and actions. At Lasting Impressions, we design safety signs for a multitude of situations. In this guide, we’ll walk through water safety, providing all the information you need to know to stay safe.

Why Is Water So Hazardous?

Of the substantial number of deaths related to drowning in the world, the RLSS UK reports that more than 400 people drown in the UK and Ireland every single year. On top of this, many more non-fatal experiences can result in life-altering injuries. Of these, 85% of accidental drownings happen in open water sites. And, they are largely due to a lack of knowledge and understanding about the dangers these present.

If you manage a swimming pool, open green area or body of water, it is imperative that you have and provide the right information about water safety. Let’s look at the different recommendations for water safety from the RISS.

Swimming Pool Safety

  • Provide constant supervision to young children.
  • Follow the pool's individual rules.
  • Make sure you have an understanding of features such as the depth, water flow and layout.
  • Don’t enter the pool after consuming alcohol.

Open Water Safety

  • Be considerate of the impact that cold water can have on your body, including shock.
  • Be aware of the lack of safety equipment.
  • Be aware of the depth of the water.
  • Know that certain underwater items and hazards may not be easily visible from the surface.
  • Know that currents can rapidly sweep people away.
  • Be aware of uneven banks and river beds.
  • Be aware of the water quality.

Running or Walking by Water

55% of all drowning victims were running or walking near a body of water and never intended on going in. The recommendations are:

  • Stay clear of the bank edges which can be unstable.
  • Where possible, run or walk with a friend.
  • Stay in well lit and high traffic areas.
  • Have an understanding of basic survival skills.
  • If you fall in, try to float on your back.
  • Be aware of the UK tides, which are relatively regular and predictable.

Water Safety for Anglers

  • Have a clear understanding of CPR and basic lifesaving skills.
  • Wear a flotation vest and non-slip footwear.
  • Access the area you plan to occupy and opt for one with solid footing.
  • Take your mobile phone with you.
  • Be aware of flooded wellington boots or waders that can make moving in water difficult.
  • Be aware of local hazards, including currents, undercut banks and weirs.
  • Keep a throw line on you and knowledge of how to use it.
  • Know your location so this information can be passed on if needed.

Signs for Water Safety

While having good knowledge of water safety is the best way to reduce the risk of injury, having the right information on hand is also a smart move. Water safety signs do just this - provide clear and easy-to-understand information that can be read and understood by anyone. Here at Lasting Impressions, we have a variety of signs specifically designed for water safety, to suit all manner of different locations.

General Water Signs

These signs are designed to give the general public instructions on where it is safe to carry out specific activities. These include Fishing, Diving, Swimming and Surfing.

Water Prohibition Signs

These signs are specifically available to reduce risk around water. They include designs such as ‘No Swimming’, No Snorkeling and No Diving.

Water Warning Signs

These signs provide specific hazard information, designed to improve information and prevent injury. They include options such as Danger Shallow Water, Warning Sudden Drop and Beware Strong Currents.

For those running a commercial swimming location or managing an open body of water, performing a risk assessment will highlight the areas that need to be marked with safety signs. We also have an experienced team on hand who can provide advice and guidance around this matter. Get in contact today or browse our Water Safety Signs on our website.