What Signs Do You Need For an AED?

Published: 2021-10-13

AEDs or Automated External Defibrillators save, on average, 20 lives per year here in the UK. With cardiac arrests noted as being a ‘health care crisis’ and with some 300,000 people experiencing them every year, having an AED can provide a means to helping extend someone's life. For many businesses, having an AED installed offers peace of mind and assurance to both employees and visitors. With any first aid solution in the workplace, the right safety signs will ensure they can be located and used in the event of an emergency. So, what signs should you have for an AED?

What is an AED?

These sophisticated, but easy-to-use, machines analyze the rhythm of an individual's heartbeat. If they determine that there is an irregularity and cardiac arrest happening, they will deliver an electric shock (defibrillation) to try and reinstate a consistent and healthy heartbeat. While there is currently no legislation in place to say that all businesses must have an AED, many companies choose to have one fitted as a precaution. Specifically, businesses such as gyms, leisure centres, swimming pools or those in the healthcare industries may wish to consider having one fitted as a means to prevent more serious illness in an emergency.

Is Specialist Training Required?

AED machines are designed to be used by anyone. Once turned on, they will provide either visual or audible prompts that walk you through several simple steps. Because the machine analyses the heartbeat of the person in question, it will only deliver a shock if needed. While no previous training is needed to use on, CPR is highly recommended before and after the admittance of a shock. And this should make up a compulsory portion of your first aid training internally.

Where Should My AED Be Positioned?

With all safety equipment, it must be positioned optimally to ensure it can be located easily. AEDs are most effective if they are used as quickly as possible so you want to ensure it is in a highly visible location and one that is clear from obstacles. Make sure that signage used to direct people to the defibrillator, such as our AED Emergency Projecting Sign, are at eye level and maintained to keep the message clear. You may also want to consider installing an informative sign, like the AED Defibrillator & CPR Safety Poster nearby, which walks individuals through the stages needed to administer this support.

Knowing how to provide first aid and provide a means of support to the ambulance system is one of the best ways to keep your employees and visitors safe. At Lasting Impressions, we design and manufacture tailored safety signs to suit every need - including your first aid activities. For more information or to ensure you find the right sign for your needs, please do get in contact here today.